The GEDCOM toolkit
Monday, February 1, 2021 at 7 p.m.
The GEDCOM format file is a largely misunderstood and underused genealogy tool, according to presenter Bob Dawes.
It can be used to migrate a genealogy family file into other genealogy software programs to take advantage of their unique features while keeping your own program. GEDCOM can also be used for building online trees quickly or to transfer your file to a portable device like a tablet or smartphone. Furthermore, GEDCOM can be used for matching with cousins much like DNA does by comparing your file to other GEDCOMs.
This presentation will explore the many benefits of using a GEDCOM for more than creating simple backup files.
Bob Dawes is a retired technology industry executive who got turned onto genealogy in the early 1990s. He enjoys combining technology and travel to research his family. Bob and his wife, Barbara (also an avid genealogist), have travelled throughout North America and the United Kingdom in pursuit of their ancestors. Their most recent trip was to Scotland for 35 days in the fall of 2019 where they filled in for the staff at the Buchan Family History Centre in Peterhead for a week. Dawes is a past chair of the Quinte Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society and has given presentations to many societies, branches and conferences. He currently manages Quinte’s IT and research databases.
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For more information:
Contact: Leeds and Grenville Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society
Telephone: 416-489-0734, ext. 200