Ryan Holiday Live in Toronto: The Stoic Life
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 7:30 p.m.

Ryan Holiday is a New York Times number-one bestselling author, host of The Daily Stoic and founder of Brass Check. His talks are inspirational, full of powerful, educational insights that will leave attendees energized to grow and make the changes needed to reach their ultimate potential. At the core of Holiday's teachings is stoicism, popularized through his bestselling books, including his latest book Right Thing, Right Now.
What is stoicism? It's the idea that while we don’t always control what happens to us in life, we always control how we respond. Few writers have done more to bring ancient, timeless wisdom and cutting-edge marketing strategies together than Ryan Holiday. His philosophically driven bestselling books have sold over 10 million copies and spent more than 200 weeks on bestseller lists. His books are taught in colleges and marketing programs around the world and have directly influenced Super Bowl-winning teams, National Basketball Association champions and Olympic gold medalists, as well as sitting American senators, military leaders and some of the biggest companies in the world like Google, Twitter and Microsoft.
Buy your tickets today!
Elgin Theatre
189 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario