Trust events

November 2014 (19 events)

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The Past is Never Far

   Trust events

The Past is Never Far is a photographic series that explores the extraordinary changes Toronto has experienced since its founding in the 18th century

Provincial plaque commemorates Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, author of In Flanders Fields

   Trust events

Join the Ontario Heritage Trust and the 11th Field Artillery Regiment (RCA) for a provincial plaque unveiling commemorating the distinguished soldier, physician and poet John McCrae

20th annual Edwardian Christmas tea at Fulford Place

   Trust events

Fulford Place celebrates the season with its 20th annual Edwardian Christmas tea – a perennial favourite

Christmas at the Cabin

   Trust events

Experience a joyous Christmas celebration in historical Dresden, Ontario

Victorian Christmas Show at Fulford Place

   Trust events

Fulford Place celebrates the holiday season with a fun presentation led by Nancy MacLeod, a retired nurse and costume maker, on the customs, traditions and fashions of the Victorian era

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