Christopher Wai, Ontario

Archaeology has been an important part of my life since I was 16 when I participated in the TRCA's Boyd field school for high school students, though it has been around longer since my 5fth grade teacher first introduced it to me. I have had the privilege to have interned at the Ontario Heritage Trust in 2016. Engaging in the archaeology of Ontario and other places has been a great example of the idea of acting locally and thinking globally.
The heritage of the peoples who have lived on this land has been complicated and conflicted and unfortunately, it is too often forgotten. Around the world we often hear of how much heritage is lost or forgotten by wars, political instability, disasters and there is no doubt that they are important, but there is much work to do here as well. It's not easy. We have to work through a lot and engage with First Nations, publics, and professionals and legislators. Archaeology is not simply a matter of finding and exhibiting, but also understanding people and identities. Many conflicts come from differences of understanding. Generations become more and more distant, not everything is written and some stories are never told.