European fishers, whalers and traders explore what is now North
America and harvest its natural resources, but do not establish
permanent presence.
Jacques Cartier makes three journeys to St. Lawrence River.
Jean Ribault builds unsuccessful settlement at St. Johns River in Florida.
c. 1570
Samuel de Champlain is born at Brouage, France.
Champlain embarks on numerous voyages with his father, a sea pilot and captain.
Serves as quartermaster in army of King Henri IV during religious wars in France.
Peace treaty signed by French and Spanish leaders at Vervins, France.
Champlain sails to Spain aboard the Saint-Julien.
Troilus du Mesgoùez, Marquis de la Roche-Helgmarche, establishes colony on Sable Island, which meets disastrous end.
Pierre de Chauvin establishes colony in St. Lawrence Valley with
10-year monopoly of fur trade. The colony fails; two young Montagnais
(Innu) men accompany de Chauvin back to France.
Champlain is believed to have travelled throughout West Indies and Mexico.