Alderville Manual Labour School
One of several technical training institutions operating in Upper Canada during the first half of the 19th century, the Alderville Manual Labour School was established here by 1839 by Wesleyan Methodist missionaries. The school was designed, as were others of this type, to assimilate Native children into the Euro-Canadian society that was growing rapidly within the province. To that end, it attempted to eradicate the traditional Native way of life, and stressed instead Christianity, the rudiments of an English education, and skills in farming and domestic crafts. Believing that the school proved the effectiveness of the manual labour approach, Egerton Ryerson, Chief Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada, recommended in 1847 that similar facilities be established for Native children throughout the province.
(Ojibwe) Alderville odaenah kikinoomaudeewigummig
Auzhigoh gomau-minik datchinoobuneen kikinoomaudeewigummigoon Nopimeeng Canada chibwauh apita-ossaek medaussiwi-ashi-zhaungissiwih dasso-kikinooniwin apee Wesley anamie-ininiwuk w'gauh inukissitoowaut maundah kikinoomaudeewigummig, Aldervilling (1839) medaussiwi-ashi-zhaungiwissiwhi-ashi-nissimidunnuh ashi-nishiwaussiwih kikinooniwin. Tchi zhaugoonaushee-waudiziwaut Anishinaubee abinoodjeehnuk, mee gauh ondjih inukissitchigaudaek kikinoomaudeewigummigoon. Nitam Zhaugoonaushee ogimauk w'gee weekitchitoon-auwauh wee bawishkikaudaek, waebinikaudaek Anishinaubae-waudiziwin, aunikaekaumaukaewin gayae, mee dush kikinoomaugunuk nawutch weebah tchi w'daessinum-oowaut Zhaugoonaushee-anamiewin, kikaendaussowin, kitigaewin, ningo-dodaewizi-bumeekaugaewin. W'ldaebawae-waendung Anishinaubaeg tchi mino-dodaukoowaut maundah dano kikaendaussowin, Anamie-ininih Egerton Ryerson, w'gauh ogimaukindung Kikinoomaugae-bumeek-augaewin, Nopimeeng Canada, w'gee gagauzoongae tchi w'wizhitumoowindoowauh Anishinaubaek w'needjaunissiwaun kikinoomaudeewigummigoon.Location
On the grounds of the Band Administration Office of the Alderville First Nation, Highway 45, south of Roseneath
Region: Central Ontario
County/District: County of Northumberland
Municipality: Alderville First Nation