
Battle of Moraviantown, 1813 (Battle of the Thames)

In September 1813, during the second year of the War of 1812, the United States won control of Lake Erie, cutting British supply lines with the east and forcing the British to withdraw from the Detroit River region. Then, on October 5, 1813, 3,000 Americans, including their Aboriginal allies, defeated 950 British, Canadians, and Natives at this site. Among those killed was the famous Shawnee leader, Tecumseh, who had worked to unite the First Nations in neighbouring American territory to resist settler expansion into their homelands and unwanted influence in their lives. The battle placed a small part of Upper Canada under enemy occupation until 1815, when the War of 1812 ended and it returned to British control. Tecumseh's dream, however, largely died with him, as the war only delayed American expansion into Indigenous territory in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois.

(Anishinaabemowin) Gii-miigaading Pundgonong 1813

Mdaam-giiziz 1813, megwaa niizh biboonan gii-mii-gaading pii 1812, Chi-mookmaanag gii-tebitowaad iw Lake Erie. Giw British Kye gii-miigwesiiwag mneswinan giw East ge gii-kwanoshkonaawaan giw British maa Detroit ziibiing. Miidash Oct. 5 1813, nswi mdaaswaak chi-mookmaanag ge giw Nishnaabeg gaa-naadmaa-gejig, gii-maazhaawaan zhaangsmidna naanmidna British Canadians, ge Nishnaabeg maa gaayaajig. Giw dash gaanzijgaazjig bezhig Kiiaawi gaa-maamoo Kenjgaazad Shawnee gaa-niigaanzid. Tecumseh gaakji nokiid jibskaabiindaadwaad Nishnaabeg maa beshgwong ge giw chi mookmaanag gaa-yaajig gii-ndawendaa naawaa wii-tebidoowaad Upper Canada miinwaa Nishnaabe Kiinsan kye gii-nda wenziinaawaa iw. Maa gaashi miigaadwaad gii-yaamgad mgiizhe iw Upper Canada giw e-mgoshkaa-jiiyajig giidnizwaad naangim 1815. Dash iw gii-miigaadwaad iw pii 1812 gii-shkwaa miigaadem mii dash neyaab giw British gaa-zhi-nda wendmowaad. Tecumseh's iw gaa-bwaadang, manjiidigwaa niibna giw gaambwajig ge waawaaj gegwa wiin giimbwad. Dash iw gii-miigaadwaad gii-yaasnoomgad chi-mookmaan ji-maajiiging maa Nishnaabe gaadnizwaad Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, ge Illinois.


At the original Battle of the Thames Site (Tecumseh Monument location), 14376 Longwoods Road (County Road 21), Thamesville.

Region: Southwestern Ontario

County/District: Municipality of Chatham-Kent (District)

Municipality: Municipality of Chatham-Kent
