
Osnaburgh House 1786

The establishment of Osnaburgh House by Chief Trader John Best in 1786 continued the Hudson's Bay Company's expansion inland from Fort Albany, some 500 miles to the east on James Bay. The post, designed to counter the activities of the rival North West Company on Lake Nipigon, was situated on Lake St. Joseph about four miles southwest of here. Originally intended as a temporary establishment, its trade in furs proved profitable, and it was maintained despite the union of the rival companies in 1821. The construction of Highway 599 to the gold mining community of Pickle Crow, 1951-55, gave rise to the settlement of New Osnaburgh, and in 1963 the post was relocated there.


In the settlement of Osnaburgh House — located on Highway 599 about 38 kilometres (24 miles) south of Pickle Lake

Region: Northern Ontario

County/District: District of Kenora

Municipality: Town of New Osnaburgh
