Sir Edward Robert Peacock, G.C.V.O. 1871-1962
An internationally renowned financer, Peacock was born near here in the former Congregational Church manse and educated at Queen's University in Kingston. He taught at Upper Canada College for seven years before joining the Dominion Securities Corporation, a prominent investment company, in 1902. Five years later he was transferred to London, England to manage the firm's European office. Acclaimed for his exceptional financial abilities, Peacock played an increasingly important role in the international securities market and in industrial organization and reconstruction as a director of the Bank of England (1921-24, 1929-46), the head of Baring Brothers and Company (1929-54) and a director of the Commonwealth Development Finance Company (1953-59). He also became a trusted advisor to the Royal Family and was knighted for his services in 1934.
At the parish hall of Gordon Presbyterian Church, St. Elmo — north of Maxville on County Road 20
Region: Eastern Ontario
County/District: United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry
Municipality: Township of North Glengarry