
Whitchurch Quaker Settlement

Among the early settlers locating in this area were a number of Quakers, including Samuel Lundy who provided land for the construction of a Meeting House in 1814. Formerly part of the Yonge Street Meeting, the Whitchurch Quakers were granted the right to hold their own meetings two years later. A schism in the Society of Friends occurred in 1828 and this building completed in 1830, was used by the Hicksite faction of the Society. By 1900, the various Whitchurch Quaker groups had come together to form the Pine Orchard Union Church. Both buildings continued in use until the earlier Meeting House was moved to Aurora in 1944. A year later, the Society of Friends sold this building to the Pine Orchard Union Church.


On the grounds of Pine Orchard Union Church, Vivian Road, Whitchurch-Stouffville

Region: Greater Toronto Area

County/District: Regional Municipality of York

Municipality: Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
